Qalam International School
Welcome to Qalam International School!
Here is a step-by-step guide to enrolling your child
Step 1
Step 1
Register for the Entrance Exam (Grades 1-5)
• Visit our school website or contact our admissions office to register your child for the entrance exam.
Step 2
Step 2
Entrance Exam
• Your child will take the entrance exam on the scheduled date. Make sure they are well-prepared and arrive on time.
Step 3
Step 3
Receive Exam Scores
• The exam scores will be available within 2 days. We will notify you of the results via email or phone.
Step 4
Step 4
Submit Required Documents
• If your child passes the entrance exam, we will provide you with a list of required documents. Please bring these documents to the school for verification.
Step 5
Step 5
School Contract Preparation
• Once we receive all the necessary documents, we will prepare the school contract.
Step 6
Step 6
First Payment
• Make the first payment upon signing the contract to secure your child’s spot at Qalam International School.
Step 7
Step 7
Welcome to Qalam International School!
• Congratulations! Your child is now officially a part of Qalam International School.